Seminarium i Slovenien

MuoviTech imponerar på 30 energiingenjörer.

Seminarium i Slovenien

Adib Kalantar och Kim Johansson från MuoviTech visade vilka faktorer som påverkar prestandan i en energibrunn. Mötesdeltagarna var imponerade av den höga nivån av kunskap och de kan nu räkna på hur man påverkar borrhålsmotståndet.

Tackbrev från Atlas som höll i eventet:

Dear all,
Thank you for helping us create the seminar for designers and according to feedback from the participants the content was delivered at such a high level, which they usually do not expect from similar events.

Without Adib and Kim we could never achieve this and we can say that 30 engineers in Slovenia today understand the importance of Turbulent flow and know how to achieve it. We had some very influential designers at the event who probably understand better how a small difference in the geothermal collector with practically no extra cost makes a significant impact on Rb.

Best regards

Yasin Jodeh
Atlas Trading d.o.o.


Var alltid uppdaterad med de senaste nyheterna.